Thursday, August 20, 2009

And now for something completely different...

So, I know this is a very odd but I wanted to make a big post. When I was at dinner on Monday, the family were all discussing their star signs and the Chinese years they were born on. This led, inevitably, to The Birthday Book. It is something of a tradition between myself and A, so you need to be included in it.

The Birthday Book has two pages of 'personology profiles' for each day of the year. What follows is some of yours.
We shall start with the very basics; though a Gemini you were born on the Taurus-Gemini cusp. A consequence is that, in spite of being Gemini, you actually have traits of both zodiac signs. The central concept of your zodiac period "Energy" where mine, for example, is "The Empath" and you are ruled by both Venus and Mercury.

'The T-G cusp may be symbolically linked to the period around 14 years of age' (nice)... thus 'in many ways, people born on the...cusp may be spoken of as eternal adolescents. They are energetic, convincing and prolific. Whatever it is they do, they like to do it a lot.'

General advice offered to such cusp-ies:

"Monitor the pace of your activities carefully. Seek to be more consistent and less casual in jettisoning people and ideas. Don't come on so strong. Turn off you mental motor from time to time. Confront your fears and insecurities."

[My two cents, come on so strong!] Anyway, now on to your actual birthday itself. Also know as the Day of the Magnifier. Really.

Famous people born on this day include such heroes of yours as Bob Dylan and Queen Victoria, not to mention Jean-Paul Marat who, if nothing else, was a good excuse for a damn fine painting by one Jacques-Louis David.

Your tarot is the Lovers, the 6th card of the Major Arcana. This card symbolizes love that unites all humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness.

Socially Involved

Numbers and Planets. Those born on this day are ruled by the number 6 and by the planet Venus. Since those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, such people inevitably work with others. Often love is the dominant theme of such lives but in the case of those born on this day lasting love is, perhaps, received by them but more rarely given. In this respect those born on this day can be flighty and hard to pin down.

Health. Such people have highly sensitive nervous systems and must ensure that they do not overextend themselves in social situations. Their urge to seek retreat, to hideaway, is generally a healthy one, as it is in seclusion that they get the rest that is so necessary for them to function.

Specific Advice:

Slow down lest your frenetic pace and demands wear others out. Learn to control your tongue and be less judgemental. Be more faithful to your friends and your beliefs. Avoid making pronouncements from on high.

Meditation: For many people the bedroom is the battlefield.

None of the above was made up by me for a laugh. The Birthday Book has spoken... I love you even if it's right, but I don't believe it always is. Only the good parts.

Yours, etc.


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